Social Studies Notes 2.0


West Africa -Flat

Coast – Cliffs

Because of its’ latitude, Africa is the most tropical of the continent as most of the landmass is between the two tropics lines, (Cancer & Capricorn)

Tropical Wt- Congo Rainforest.

Tropical wet and dry – Shel


Sahara is expanding due to desertification, In an attempt to stop this, people have started the “great green wall” Where they plant many trees.

Desertification has been caused by

  • Overgrazing of Livestock
  • Farming
  • Increasing Population

The Harmattan

Dry winds pick up dust from the Sahara causing dust storm. And sometimes tornados. (does spread the United States causing Icky air)

Physical Features

  • Mount Kilimanjaro is africas most recognized feature and is the tallest mountain in africa. It holds a snow cap that has slowly begun to shrink due to Climate Change.
  • Victoria Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world, and is considered as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
  • Great Rift Valley, Extends through East Africa and is created by divergent tectonic movement..
  • Serengeti plains, hosts the largest mammal migration in the world, and contains several national parks and game reserves. Swaps, Grasslands, and Woodlands can be found here.
  • Namib & Kalahari Deserts, The Namib is considered the oldest desert. It is semi-arid that supports more animals and plants that a normal desert can.
  • lake Victoria, This Lake is Africas largest by area, second largest freshwater lake by surface area, and largest tropical lake.
  • Ethiopian Highlands, The Ethiopian Higlands are rugged mass of mountains located in ethiopia, these are sometimes called “roof of africa”, and contains woodlands and desserts. The Ethiopian Highlands have caused poverty in ethiopia.
  • Niger River, is to shallow to be used for shipping, it is only navigable part of the year when it floods, it is known as the principal river of western africa, the yearly floods provides a boost for the local economy and produces wet clay/dirt used for home building.
  • Congo River, The deepest river in the world and is partially navigable, It cannot be used for commerical shipping due to water falls known as cataracts, great for hydroelectric power but not developed enough for it to be practicle.
  • Drakensberg Mountains, Highest mountain Range in southern africa and are filled with caves many of which have ancient paintings. The mountains also contain the second highest waterfall (tugela falls)


  • Bantu people, were bannana farmers located in but migrated south as desertification expanded the sahara and crop dropped. This created a very similar culture in sub saharan africa
  • West Africa, relied on trade and sold mass salt and gold. Mansa Musa spread muslim throught the region after his trip to Saudi Arabia.
  • Central Africa, Is one of the most politically unstable regions in the world due to european colonization. Blood Diamonds/Conflict Diamonds are known as a way for these political groups to buy weapons. (selling diamonds) Around 200 BC, the bantu people migrated to much of africa, spreading language and culture. This created the Diaspora and eventually lead to the Slave Trade.
  • Eastern Africa, is one of the poorest regions in africa due to a very dry evniorment causing starvation, famine, and instability. Not all countries are terrible for example ethiopia managed to keep politcal instability.
  • Southern Africa, is the most diverse climate wise and is the best financialy. This is due to their diverse climate which can house agriculture and its abundance of gold and diamonds.