History And Culture of East Asia

Early Civilazation

  • Ch9inese History begins along the Yangtzee river(3,000 BCE) and the yellow river
  • Earliest Form Of Writing Dates back to 5,500 BCE
  • Isolationists – Japan and Korea become isloated from the rest of the world to become independatn from china


  • China is isolationist until they wanted to europeans to trade with them, China refuses to buy from europe but instead want europe to buy from them.
  • 1838 – A war known as thr Opium War is started due to dispute of trade agreements of China and Great Britain
  • 1842 – China Surrenders;Making the treaty of Naking that creates open ports of europeans and divide china into mandated spheres of influene controlled by other contries

Beginning of Cummunism

  • A Relolution to overthrow the monarchy is started due to european war.
  • The republic of china is started, two parties are born, one wins for communism and the other for democracy flees to taiwan


  • North Korea invaded South Korea which started a war in which The UN intervenes. In 1954 a ceasefire is established, to then sign a peace treaty. It has never been signed


  • Art – Japanese Manga or Anime have world wide audiences
  • Cosplay influences fashion in the West
  • Yurts In Mongolia
  • Tibet – The Dalai Lama
  • Martial Arts
