Counter Reformation

Schools Of Thought

  • Compromise
  • Reform (reform corrupt practices)

Reformer Became Pope

  • called the council at trent to reform
  • was a product of corruption himself but wanted to reform to prevent the collapse of the Church

Council Of Trent

  • Dogmatic – Reaffirmed traditional doctrines
  • Reformatory – Ended corrupt practices, (end sale of indulgences, and symony) Banned heretical literature. Set up schools to train preists
  • Banned books, (anything to do with reformers)

The society of Jesus

  • Founded by Ignatius Layola, A soldier who was hurt and stuck in a house. He had 2 books, one religious book, and another book. Studies theology as a result
  • Gains a following and goes to pope paul to get approval (spoiler, he gets approved)
  • Jesuits served as teachers and diplomats.
  • Requires absolute obedience