Africa, Urbanization
- There are about 1.22 Billion people living in Africa, and is growing rapidly. – And expected to grow to 3 billion by 2050
- The Avg fertility rate is around 5
- Over 1/3 of the populatuon is under the age of 15
Loss of Culture in Africa
- Many people are now moving to cities which is causing a fast rural to unban shift. This is happening quickly (one generation)
- African Diaspora is the movemeant of Africas out of African/Tribe Culture. Due to the Slave Trade and Similar events.
- Griot or oral story tellers are slowly dying out.
- After Colonializsm many African Nations lacked infastructure,
- This caused african countries to work in Primary Levels (Farming)
- Most African Countries still rely on heavy imports from europe
- BRICS are newly indsutrialized countries, Russa, India, China, And South Africa
- Women are money makers in the house hold. They do this in public markets through Micro-enterprises. Some organazations give small loans (500$) to help break the cycle of poverty. (Pangea Network In the woodlands TX is one of those organazation)
Wealth Of Resources-
- Africa Contains large amounts of valuable reasources but many european colinizers still have most ownership of those reasources. And due to lack of infustructure many of those reasources arent going to the african people.
Conflicts Over Resources
- Many African Nations gained independance without control of resources
- Some did not but rather nationalized those resources and often kept profits (Eg, Blood Diamonds)
Current Economics
- The African Union is an organazation that helps memebers maximize their economies.
- East Africa is mainly farming and tourism economy – The area relies on cash crops for money by subsustence agriculture and wildlife parks.
- Botswana is one of the leadng diamond producers but most of the population are farmers and cant benefit from it.