- Evolution, The proccess of biological change over time
- Microevolution, evolution on small scales affection one population
- Macroevolution, Evolution on a large scale affecting changes in many species
- Natural Selection, organisms with the best traits are able to reproduce while those who don’t, don’t reproduce
- Overproduction, Lots of offspring and limited resources causes competition for those resource
- Variation, Differences in the physical traits of organisms
- Adaptation, a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment
- Decent with Modification, A change in gene frequency over time, For example traits that are beneficial become more common over time
- Divergence, the difference of closely related species leading to specification.
- Specification, the culmination in changes across species creating distinct species.
- Genetic Drift, decreasing variation in a population over time. Resulting in increase chance of death among a full population
- Gene Flow, results in increase of genetic variation due to migration, this is an advantage as it helps protect the over all population from extinction
- Sexual Selection, or non random mating is the selection without using good or traits that are actually good for survival, for example a bird might dance to attract a female and that female might chose him but not because his dance shows he’s more adapt to survival.
- Genetic Equililibrium, when there’s no change in allele frequencies in a population, Evolution will not occur if all the following is met: Population is large, must be random mating, no migration, no mutations, no natural selection.
- Gradualism, The large morphalogical change in a species over small steps over a number of years
- Punctuated equilibirum, Once a species enters the fossil record
- Reproductive Isolation, When a species is unable to reproduce outside its area due to geographical boundaries.