BIology Notes 3.0


Chromasomal Mutations

Genetic Mutations

Chromasomal Mutations

Occurs in the chromosomes and are caused in a couple of different ways


Occurs when one Amino acid is deleted from the sequence.


When a chromosome is mutated when a nucleic acid is inverted or switched with another


When part of one chromosome binds to another.


When part of a chromosome is duplicated

DNA Mutations

  • Deletion, nitrogenase base is deleted –Frame Shift Mutation
  • Insertion, A nitrogenase base is added –Frame Shift Mutation
  • Substitution


  • Frame Shift Mutation – Mutation that causes all procceding dna NB to be shifted down or up. this causes a frameshift.
  • Nondijusction mutation – A mutation caused when 2 homologous chromasomes are not correctly seperated.
  • Silent Mutation – A mutation that changes a NB but does not change the resulting Nuclaic Acid and therefore protein produced.
  • Sematic Cells – A cell/s that are strictly body cells and do body things.
  • Germ Cells, Gametes, Sex Cells – cells dealing in reproduction
  • Germ Mutations- Mutations that affect sex cells causing offspring to inherit un intended mutations
  • mutagens – factors that lead to a mutation
  • Gene Mutation – Mutaion in the genes, usually during DNA replication or S phase
  • Point Mutations – Mutations that do not cause a framshift but rather replace a nucelotide
  • Meiosis – Cell Cycle for Sex Cells
  • Misense Mutation – Muations that result in a different nucleotide.


  • Most organisms tend to have 2 sets of chrmasomes but some have more, this is called Polyploidy when an organism has more than 2 sets of chromasomes
  • Anepology is when an organism has the common 2 sets. This is what occurs in humans. -Humans have 46 pairs or 23 chromasomes from each parent.

BIology Notes 3.0