Category ASNA

UPDATE, Ver .1

Changes created new About Me page added plugins for page building Upcoming: Portfolio link will be properly set up New Categories for Classes will be added Social Media Accounts will be linked External Resources (External Code like special calculators)


Louis the 14th, the most, absolute monarch Setting the stage for Loius XIV Henry the fourth Major religious tensions in France between Catholics and the Huguenots The edict of Nantes established the religious toleration of the Huguenots. (Henry converted to…

Portfolio And Social Update

This post is saved and archived for the purpose of the site owner, A portfolio will be built and hosted or linked through this website, @ It will include all the Videos, Renders, Projects, and Social Media of me.…

Chemistry #1

Physical Properties/Changes A change that can be observed without changing the substance Examples: Flexibility Malebility

Bus Law

FIRST AMENDMENT Grants religious freedom Grants freedom of speech Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Petition What does it mean? Grants the ability to exceed your religion without government interference Grants the ability to talk freely without being shut down by…

English Project, Non Dep

All project files are available here. Including an in Canva View of the project. You can also view them here without needing to download. Downloads Conclusion: Online data is incredibly influential and valuable in our increasingly digitized world. Your online…


Religion West, Roman Catholicism East, Orthodox Christianity. Expands into Russia or east Rest is pretty much Islamic. Causes Avignon Papacy, 2 popes, One rome, One avignon. People don’t know who to listen to. Simony, Church offices sold Nepotism, Connection not…