Category ASNA


History Indigenous people of Australia arrived from southeast Asia about 50,000 years ago and later Oceania Geographers divide Oceania into three regions Micronesia, Tiny Islands Melanesia, or black islands (volcanos not black ppl)Polynesia, meaning many islands At the time the…


About Antarctica Earths southernmost continent The coldest, driest, and windiest continent The coldest temperature ever recorded on earth was -128.6 F Some places have not received rain in over 100 years Antarctic Sea Life Includes: Penguins Blue Whales Orcas Fur…

Anatomical Terms

VOCAB ANATOMICAL TERMS Standard position in which structures are described Never sitting, upside-down, or bent over. Palms Foward, Feet together, arms at the side, standing upright is the Anatomical Position When describing sides of an anatomical position you refer to…

Social Studies, SouthWest Asia Resources

ECONOMY, Petroleum and Natural gasses are found in the persian gulf states, This includes Libya, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE and Azerbaijan. Phosphates (Used in fertizilers) Are found in morroco Most of the south east asia was far poorer then…

Government Types and Issues

Japan Consitutional Monarchy but has a parliment. Ex ruler abdicated his throuwn to his son South Korea Democracy North Korea Totalitarian, kim dinasty China Dictator due to the elimination of term limits by the president RECENT ISSUES Hong Kong and…

Social Studies Notes

Population Most people in southwest asia live near water, due to jobs, Farming – Desert and jobs = Oil Population in southwst asia has historically been rapid, but is now slowing down. Most people in the region are urbanized Groups…

Issues In Southwest Asia

Women In Southwest Asia Women status vary – Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt are similar to the USA and as such are very active in society In Persian Gulf states, Most women do not work. Or re excluded from…

Biology Notes, Evolution

Vocab Vestigal Structures, They have little to no fuctions and can be left over from an organisms evelotuionary path. Examples are the human tail bone which was left over from when we had a tail and were not humans. Homologous…