Category ASNA

English Project

Requirements Write Five Poems, Maximum of 2 Accrostic poem. From 5 subjects: Protagonist, Antagonist, Setting, Theme, and Conflict. TPDASTT, Then an analysis of the poem with the following requirements, Biographical Info Of Your Poet, Analysis of the Attitude 2-3 sentances…

Elementor #565

Notable People:  Charles Darwin, set sail on the HMS Beagle. On his voyage he kept detailed notes of the his observations and theories. A copy was sent to his family. His job on the HMS beagle was to be a…


EVOLUTION, VOCAB Evolution, The proccess of biological change over time Microevolution, evolution on small scales affection one population Macroevolution, Evolution on a large scale affecting changes in many species Natural Selection, organisms with the best traits are able to reproduce…

Social Studies South Asia 1

Physical Geography of South Asia Hymalayas- created through subduction Brahmaputra– Known for massive floods in bangladesh. One of the three important rivers Ganges– Sacred river to hindus and extreamly polluted, Most important river for this unit. Indus– Cultural hearth for…

Social Studies South Asia Notes 2.0

CULTURE Religions Islam, In Pakistan and Bangladesh Hinduism, India Budhism, Sri Lanka and Nepal Skihism, Northern India (Punjab) RELIGION Hinduism, One of if not the oldest religion and is more than just a religion but culture itself. CASTE SYSTEM, The…

Biology Notes.Interaction

Types of relationships Predation, One animal kills and eats another for food. Predator is the one hunting, prey is the one being hunted. Keystones Species = a s[cecies that holds the ecosystem togheter, most of the time is the apex…

Biology Chemical Cycles

NITROGEN CYCLE Water Cycle Transpiration – When water becomes vapor and rises to the atmosphere due to plants Condensation – Water Condences to create clouds Precipitation – When water falls back to the ground Evaporation – When water becomes gas…

History And Culture of East Asia

Early Civilazation Ch9inese History begins along the Yangtzee river(3,000 BCE) and the yellow river Earliest Form Of Writing Dates back to 5,500 BCE Isolationists – Japan and Korea become isloated from the rest of the world to become independatn from…

Religions and beliefs in East Asia

Taoism/Daois Based on the teachings of Laozi Emphsizes living in hamorny with oneself and other things Using the way or path Belives In Wu-Wei or acting by not acting Ancestors are respected and they have connections between decendants and ancestors…