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Social Studies Notes

Population Most people in southwest asia live near water, due to jobs, Farming – Desert and jobs = Oil Population in southwst asia has historically been rapid, but is now slowing down. Most people in the region are urbanized Groups…

EAST ASIAN NOTES – Population and Related

POPULATION Japan has the Highest Population Density because of the small landmass and to compensate they have created high-rise buildings and artificial landmasses. Half the Worlds Population Lives in Monsoon Asia (South East, and southeast Asia) Mongolia Lacks population due…

Issues In Southwest Asia

Women In Southwest Asia Women status vary – Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt are similar to the USA and as such are very active in society In Persian Gulf states, Most women do not work. Or re excluded from…


BIOMOLECULES CARBOHYDRATES Or sugar is a short-term energy source. Its monomer is a monosaccharide. Its polymer is starch, cellulose. (Anything With OSE as an ending is a sugar.Eg, GlucOSE, FructOSE, CellulOSE). Its chemical makeup is CHO or Carbon 6 –…

Biology Notes, Evolution

Vocab Vestigal Structures, They have little to no fuctions and can be left over from an organisms evelotuionary path. Examples are the human tail bone which was left over from when we had a tail and were not humans. Homologous…

Government Types and Issues

Japan Consitutional Monarchy but has a parliment. Ex ruler abdicated his throuwn to his son South Korea Democracy North Korea Totalitarian, kim dinasty China Dictator due to the elimination of term limits by the president RECENT ISSUES Hong Kong and…

English Project

Requirements Write Five Poems, Maximum of 2 Accrostic poem. From 5 subjects: Protagonist, Antagonist, Setting, Theme, and Conflict. TPDASTT, Then an analysis of the poem with the following requirements, Biographical Info Of Your Poet, Analysis of the Attitude 2-3 sentances…

Elementor #565

Notable People:  Charles Darwin, set sail on the HMS Beagle. On his voyage he kept detailed notes of the his observations and theories. A copy was sent to his family. His job on the HMS beagle was to be a…


EVOLUTION, VOCAB Evolution, The proccess of biological change over time Microevolution, evolution on small scales affection one population Macroevolution, Evolution on a large scale affecting changes in many species Natural Selection, organisms with the best traits are able to reproduce…

Social Studies South Asia 1

Physical Geography of South Asia Hymalayas- created through subduction Brahmaputra– Known for massive floods in bangladesh. One of the three important rivers Ganges– Sacred river to hindus and extreamly polluted, Most important river for this unit. Indus– Cultural hearth for…