Latin Notes Week 2

Words and Translations

sunt = are / Quot = How many / Servus = Slave (M) / Ancillia = Slave (F) / et = And / est = is / Filia = Daughter / Filius = Son/ Puella = Girl / Puer = Boy / Fluvius = River / Oppidum = Town / Master = Dominus / Master = Domina (F) / Bene = Good / Non = Not / Discipuli = Disciples / Magister = Master, Teacher, cheif ect / cetera = So forth, Many more /


Num at beginning of the sentence creates a question that has no as the only possible answer. For example, Num est Parvus North America? Is America Small? Answer = No

Que at the end of a word acts as an et before the word, for example, Marcus et Julia = Marcus Juliaque = Marcus and Julia

Ae and I / Ae after a feminine word creates an Of before the words, for example, Juliae = of Julia / I after a Masculine word creates an Of, for example, Julii = Of Julius