Social Studies South Asia Notes 2.0



  • Islam, In Pakistan and Bangladesh
  • Hinduism, India
  • Budhism, Sri Lanka and Nepal
  • Skihism, Northern India (Punjab)


  • Hinduism, One of if not the oldest religion and is more than just a religion but culture itself.
  • CASTE SYSTEM, The cast system is a class system you are born into. 1) Brahmans, the preists 2) Kshatriyas, The warriors and Rulers 3) Vaisyas, Farmers and Merchants 4) Sundras, peasants & laborers 5) The human garbage (according to them). The CASTE System is mostly based on family and is prodominant in social circles rather than jobs back in the day.
  • REINCARNATION, When a living thing dies its soul moves into another living creature. Souls are reborn in a newly created life.
  • The goal is to clib the CASTE system to the point were you are no longer reincarnated and instead become part of the Universe or a god.
  • KARMA, to become a higher caste or lower caste you must get karma. If you get good karma, you go up and reverse for bad karma. If you do equal good and bad you stay the same CASTE Level.


  • Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are predominantly muslim.
  • India has 185 Million Muslims
  • Pakistan is the second largest muslim country


  • Mausoleum built by Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire. It was built for his third wife when she died.
  • Built with Islamic Architecture


  • No Gods
  • Both Phylosophy and a Religion
  • Focuses on the gain of knowladge
  • End goal is to remove the wordly desires by bringing happyness into the world
  • Belives in Reincarnation and Nirvana (Nirvanna is heaven that will end reincarnations when the end goal is achived)
  • Created by Buddah because he did not like the CASTE system of Hinduism
  • Dharma- The rules you follow or your path kind of like your destiny


  • Founded in the 15th century making it one of the newest religions
  • Primarily in the Punja Region of india
  • Monotheistic Religion
  • Sikhs belive in the equality of all people
  • The sacred text is the Guru Granth Sahib
  • They wish to balance work, worship, and charity
  • Belives in the 5K’s


  • Cricket – India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh due to British colinazation
  • Soccer- Nepal, Due to british colinazation