Social Studies, SouthWest Asia Resources
- Petroleum and Natural gasses are found in the persian gulf states, This includes Libya, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE and Azerbaijan.
- Phosphates (Used in fertizilers) Are found in morroco
- Most of the south east asia was far poorer then parts of subsharan africa until oil was discovered after WW2, The discovery caused new trade agreements with europe and these countries for tax free trade in exchange for infastructure.
- Discovery of oil completly changes southwest asia. Europe created new borders based on oil and many poor countries became rich very quickly. The new oil contries formed the OPEC cartel, Formed of Algeria, Engola, Iran, Iraq, kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
- Arabian Nations with their new wealth are investing in infastructure projects to diversify their economy. Like Banking, Shipping, and finance.
- The Strait Of Hormuz is one of the most important oil shipping routes in the world,
Life In South West Asia
- Many Arab states are reasource rich but have yet to fully indstralized which makes their economy very seseptable to crashes in oil
- Some Nations are also not wealthy due to oil. Some are Oil Rich while others are Oil Poor. Examples are Yemen, Oman, Syria, and the Cetral Asian Republics
- Most of the Wealthy Contries are also very conservative which causes the reduction of rights for females.
Water Issues
- SouthWest Asian nations get the majority of their water trough desalination. This proccess is very expensive. Countries that do this are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain
- Fresh water is an issue in SouthWest Asia due to the region being one of the dryest areas of the world.
- Most regions are very traditional
- Selling goods in open markets are called Souks